4. Read and research your case based on the number you chose corresponding to the case linked in #1.
5. EACH person is to complete their own summary.
6. Complete summary using your phones/computers in the room.
7. Turn in end of class.
TUESDAY: Supreme Court Vocab Quiz; Begin State and Local Government WEDNESDAY: Continue State and Local Government THURSDAY: Criminal Justice - Officer Wilson presentation FRIDAY: Unit 5 Multiple Choice Test
Currrent Events - Click on the form below if you need another copy. THIS COUNTS AS A QUIZ GRADE! USE THE FORM LINKED BELOW TO COMPLETE YOUR CURRENT EVENTS ACTIVITY...
For you Current Events Quiz please choose from the following sites: source:https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/286879/millennials-and-teens-top-20-news-sources.html CNN
Currrent Events - Click on the form below if you need another copy. THIS COUNTS AS A QUIZ GRADE! USE THE FORM LINKED BELOW TO COMPLETE YOUR CURRENT EVENTS ACTIVITY...
Continue Current Events Activity from Monday - TURN IN. THIS COUNTS AS A QUIZ GRADE!
E?s: 11-13
THURSDAY: Turn in E?s/Vocab!
Begin Project #4 Supreme Court Cases Due End of class tomorrow.
PROJECT Info: 1. 21 Landmark Cases (Link) - to Print: Hard Copy of Cases - If you need to print 2. Draw a number. 3. Find your partner. 4. Read and research your case based on the number you chose corresponding to the case linked in #1. 5. EACH person is to complete their own summary. 6. Complete summary using your phones/computers in the room. 7. Turn in FRIDAY end of class FRIDAY: Supreme Court Project on Supreme Court Due Today . Judicial Branch in a Flash Go to p.3 Activity on Page 9-10 Discuss Cases from Project